Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Art

I've been seeing really great Christmas art on pinterest but I just can't bring myself to spend money on anything. Buying Christmas gifts is a big enough stress on our finances without spending for the sake of decoration.

I still have a small collection of my old art pieces up in a closet so I took a decent sized one down and went to work.

I painted her bald at first and I always regretted not leaving her that way. I didn't even bother finishing it.

Step 1: Flip over canvas and give the back an even coat of black acrylic paint. (I used folded strips of printer paper to protect the wood) It didn't show through at all to the painting on the other side of mine. Let dry completely.

Step 2: Pick something you like and go to town with the white sharpie paint pen. (or paint and a skinny brush would work too)



I propped it up for this picture but I used one of those sticky strips for hanging hooks to hang it. 
If you need me, I'll be in my bathrobe and jammies watching Clark Griswold make a mess of the holidays.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Full Harvest

It's the tenth! This month at a bit of sunshine there was a challenge to have the ten pictures from our day reflect "a full harvest". Not really sure I went in that direction with these but it gave me something to think about. She said during the harvest we work relentlessly harvesting and celebrating the things we have been cultivating throughout the year. The idea is to capture the things around you that make your heart so full because of the work and toil and faith you have put in.

I really enjoy this project because it forces me to stop and enjoy where I am and see every blessing.

Count your many blessings, name them one by one.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

ten on ten

One of the blogs that I follow is a bit of sunshineI don't remember how I first came across it (probably pinterest) but I love this girl's photography. She also has really cute DIYs and clever party and decorating tips.
She started a project called ten on ten in 2008. Once a month on the tenth she takes a photo an hour for ten consecutive hours. "Finding life and beauty in the ordinary things of our day to day!" Anyway, she invites fellow bloggers to participate and share their pictures. I doubt I'll get to it every 10th but here's to setting the bar a little higher anyway :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Copy Cat Art

I love pinterest. Craft ideas, recipes, fashion, gardening tips, interior design ideas and this..

lots of this...

My mom was was getting rid of this little yellow vase so I took it home. 

It's been in our laundry room pantry ever since. I wanted to add some inspirational pieces of art around the house but I've been struggling to find an alternative to big cursive wall decals. (Not hating, just wanted something more low key)

Glass paint would be best obviously but I buy craft supplies at random when I find good deals so I try to work with what I have. I didn't know which of these mediums would work best on glass so I did a test on the bottom.

The sharpie was hardest to get off (surprise!) so I got to use the easiest one! Yay!

  1. Choose a design
  2. Draw away! (the glass rubbed clean with 409 for fixing mistakes)
  3. 2 coats of clear spray gloss
I added little dots of the gold paint in those little circles on top and bottom before I sprayed :)

Another thing I like to look at and pin is art. I love floral patterns and prints like these:

I had a blank canvas sitting around for months so I put some floral and printing together:

I'm sure I will do a few more projects like this soon. Christmas is coming up and I love giving handmade gifts :)

Happy Friday to all!